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EAVE Smarthub Bundle for Efficient Hearing Protection Management

Product Code: K66-201

Brand: Eave

Product Features

Eave: A world first in smart hearing protection from over-exposure to noise, designed in the UK by experts in Acoustics, Industrial and Product Design, Materials and Electronics.

The Eave Smart Hub allows you to access the greatest features of the Eave hearing protection range, linking your FocusLite™ 1.0 electronic ear defenders with the Eave Peak platform* wirelessly, enabling real-time noise monitoring with full site noise mapping and allowing personal feedback, analytics and reports on attenuation, wear rates, noise exposure monitoring and dosimetry.

With traditional hearing protection you have no visibility of the level of exposure experienced and may be vulnerable to claims for hearing loss. But Eave noise monitoring headsets measure both the environmental sound level as well as your personal dose exposure. By delivering this information to the Peak platform wirelessly, via the Smart Hub, you have a visual of both the noise that reached your ears, as well as the protection that has been delivered had the protection not been worn. Ultimately, Eave technology, enabled by the Eave Smart Hub, offers a completely effective solution to noise induced hearing loss, supporting your business within the framework of the HSE CUFF campaign. 

The bundle also includes a charging hub with ports for ten hearing protection headsets, as well the necessary power supply connections.

*Requires subscription - please enquire for further details.

£434.70 Inc VAT £362.25 Exc VAT
Product Description

SmartHub 1.0, Powersupply & Charging Hub

  • SmartHub 1.0
  • Power supply
  • Charging Hub