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Safety In Depth – Access Our Latest PPE and Safety Expert Guides

Skin Care
Expert Guide

There is a risk that your workforce could be part of the increasing numbers suffering from occupational skin disorders such as dermatitis and other serious skin disorders. In this expert guide, we explain the risk, its serious impact on health and safety...

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Skin Care - Expert Guide

Respiratory Protection
Expert Guide

In this handy downloadable RPE Guide, you can find a wealth of information about the best RPE solution for your business, answering key questions. Plus, there is added advice on everything from respirators for workers with beards, to...

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Respiratory Protection - Expert Guide

Learn more about Anchor Safety

Anchor Safety are not simply a standard PPE supplier. Our experts take time to fully understand your business needs and safety challenges. Then, as your trusted PPE partner, we provide answers that will completely support you in enabling safe, sustainable and compliant workplace safety.

Whether you need top quality PPE supplies or specialist technical PPE guidance, fully accountable inventory management or advice on behaviour-based safety initiatives, our experts always go the extra mile to create long-term solutions which will work for your business.

Why Customers Trust Anchor Safety with their Business



Our many years of experience and deep knowledge of the safety business is second to none.



Uncompromising in our aim to reduce workplace exposures, we constantly strive to provide the best in safety protection.



We work harder and go further
to develop new solutions to your safety exposures and to improve the safety of your workforce.

Case Study

Supporting Serco in High-Hazard Environments

Serco Group plc is an international provider of services to Governments, offering, amongst many other things, services in defence. These can be significantly complex & high hazard, due to significant chemical risks. For Serco, compromise is not an option; compliance is essential to protect from these dangers. When the turbulent market conditions and supply issues caused by Covid threatened a halt in working, Serco turned to Anchor to provide the stability and solutions they needed.

Our Specialist Expertise

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Equip is a safety critical management tool, designed for high-hazard environments where PPE management is integral to operations. If you’re not alrteady an equip customer, contact our team to find out how a bespoke Equip online PPE portal will benefit your business.

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