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The UK manufactured Zorption range has been developed by experts to dismantle the concept that it is necessary to have one set of spill control for general spills and another set for chemical. The Zorption is a combination that means that users will never make the mistake of selecting the wrong absorbent material. An innovative two-in-one absorbent pad design, Zorption contains both grey maintenance absorbents and yellow chemical absorbents.  The yellow side can be placed up to alert people to a hazardous spill or the grey side to contain leaks more discreetly, with unbeatable absorbency.  Zorption absorbent pads and absorbent rolls are suitable for soaking up a wide range of fluids including: corrosive or caustic chemical spills, coolants, solvent based spills, water, and other unknown fluids while Zorption absorbent socks prevent and of these liquid spills from spreading.

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